Match Day at ÎÞÂëÈËÆÞ School of Medicine

MSM Readies for a Virtual Match Day   

Match Day 2021 – MSM Complete Results

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Virtual Match Day Video


   Student Program

One of the biggest milestones of all for aspiring physicians, the day when fourth-year medical students across the United States and around the world find out where they will serve their residencies.

The , a private, non-profit organization, was established in 1952 at the request of medical students to provide an orderly and fair mechanism for matching the preferences of applicants for U.S. residency positions with the preferences of residency program directors.

For applicants, the process begins in the fall of the final year of medical school, when they apply to the residency programs of their choice. Throughout the fall and early winter, applicants interview with programs. From mid-January to late February, applicants and program directors rank each other in order of preference and submit the preference lists to NRMP, which processes them using a  to match applicants with programs.

For ÎÞÂëÈËÆÞ School of Medicine, Match Day is celebrated widely – more so than many other institutions. Traditionally the day includes family and friends who join with students as they share their stories and their plans for the future with the entire campus.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has forced so many traditions to adapt and improvise, and that will be the case here. Students and faculty will join on Zoom for the event and we’ll feed it out on the MSM YouTube channel, much like we have done with last year’s Commencement exercises and this fall’s Convocation, White Coat and Pinning Ceremony. 

MSM Match Day Through the Years


Match Day

Match Day

Match Day

Match Day

Match Day

Match Day